How Did Daniel Ziffer Climb the Corporate Ladder in Journalism? Daniel Ziffer, a renowned journalist with experience across multiple...
Nicki is an author and illustrator who published her first book at the ripe old age of 15. From there she pursued a career in law motivated...
Sarah Bailey is an Advertising Exec by day, crime writer by night. In fact she is the best selling and award winning author of The Dark...
Declan Fay does funny. He writes funny, directs funny and produces funny. In this episode you will hear how Declan kicks off his career...
Alison Pennington is a political economist and she does her thing in the Think Tank at the Centre for Future work. She analyses jobs...
Many of us dreamed of becoming a world champion as a kid. Our guest in this episode made that dream come true! And that’s...
Dean’s Dad calls him the Ultra Marathon Man and its an apt description. Dean is a runner, an author and has been named in Time...
Fleur McDonald is the voice of the outback and one of Australia’s leading rural authors. She know what it’s like to live on the...