Home » News » Nicki Greenberg: gave up corporate law to become a Children’s author and illustrator. Episode 15

Nicki Greenberg: gave up corporate law to become a Children’s author and illustrator.

Episode 15

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Nicki is an author and illustrator who published her first book at the ripe old age of 15.

From there she pursued a career in law motivated by what she describes as the dependability of that career path and of course the works of Perry Mason. This career, amongst other things, taught her the art of plain language and also afforded Nicki the freedom to pursue what she was passionate about…telling brilliant stories!

Yet the compulsion to write, interpret prose and tell stories through illustration never left her and today she is an accomplished author and illustrator.

Hear how Nicki runs a couple of literary marathons with her works The Great Gatsby and Hamlet where obsession and an eye bleeding schedule breathe life into the stories she wants to tell.

Nicki truly is passionate about her doing and we love her take on how she has spent her career working at the limitations of her capability. Forever learning and growing.

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1 comment
  • Hi Nicki,

    I just found some of your ZELDA STICK 1 & 2 soon from Book Depository. (There going to be 3 soon?)

    I’d like to get Antonia Cutlass 1 & 2, but I can’t find them. Can you give me a clue?

    Last question: I also found The Great Gatsby: A Graphic Adaptation and I got some pictures: and they look like STAMPS! Cute!! (And I can’t figure out this one either.)

    Anyhow, keep’m coming, Kid. Ira

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AuthorEpisode 15