Passion, purpose, patience, hard work, an epiphany and Sammy Davis Jnr all make an appearance in Charles Davidson’s story of doing...
How do you create a business that’s purpose driven with a shared vision of more than just turning a profit? And how do you attract...
Rachel Lowry was born with the nature loving gene and today as the Chief Conservation Officer WWF Australia she leads a team whose...
Lesley Hughes is a climate scientist and describes herself as an explorer. She has spent all of her life in search of the answers to how do...
Among other things, posters of Allan Border, Blondie and the Rainbow Warrior adorned the walls of his teenage bedroom. This episode’s...
Rob Gell, AM: From Weather Presenter to Environmental Expert: The Extraordinary Journey of Rob Gell.
Introduction Have you ever wondered if ordinary people can do extraordinary things? Our latest episode of The Do Landers Podcast features...